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It keeps being amended and reinterpreted, so its meaning keeps changing.

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Q: Why is the U.S. Constitution an evolving document?
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Why the US Constitution is considered an evolving document?

so your goverment can take away your rights when ever they feel the need.

What is a Individual document files?

its like a document but for the US Constitution

The idea that the Constitution as a changing and evolving document that should be interpreted in light of the needs of the time is known as?

the adaptive approach

What was the first document of Us?

The Constitution

What document founded the US?


What influenced Montesquieu?

the us document that he infuenced was the US Constitution

Which document begins we the people of the US?

The preamble of the US constitution

What document established the current government of the US?

us constitution

What document governs the US elections?

The US Constitution as amended provides the process for electing the President.

What is the document that oulines the U.S. government and its functions.?

That document is known as the US constitution.

Why did the constitution split up?

The US Constitution did not split up. It is a single document.

What is the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights?

The us constitution is the document that is still active, that is the SECOND document that tells us what, as citizens, our rights are. the bill of rights is the first 10 amendments to the constitution. (changes that the government made to the constitution.