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The Declaration of Independence was an importment statement because it was set our freedom from the English.

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becuse without it we will not have or freedom and independence

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Q: Why is the message of the Declaration of independence important to your country?
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What was the primary message of the declaration of independence?

the main argument about the declaration of independence is the freedom of religion the voice of the people to matter and the pursuit of happiness

What is the hidden message in the Declaration of Independence picture?

As you have watched the famous movie national treasure, that movie is not non- fiction. So there fore it is not real. The Declaration of Independence clearly on the back says when it was signed which is July 4th 1776 and that date is stated on the back with Regarding the message on the back, according to the National Archives, "While no one knows for certain who wrote it, it is known that early in its life, the large parchment document was rolled up for storage. So, it is likely that the notation was added simply as a label." There are no hidden messages.

What is the main message in the declaration of independence?

In the American Declaration of Independence, the main idea (or, argument) focuses on the relationship of governed and government. In brief terms, the Declaration argues that there is a two-fold natural (or, as it may also be put, philosophical) truth that regulates this relationship: governments rule only by consent of those it governs and, further, where the government violates the trust implicit in that consent, the governed have the right to overthrow it for the sake of restoring a more natural governance.

Hon'ble mr pchidambaram Ihave some value message to devolap country and party do you accept?


The events that led to the writing of the Declaration of Independence?

Which of the following sequences most accurately represents events preceding the Declaration of Independence?W. Sugar Act, Stamp ActboycottTea ActBoston Tea Party1st Continental CongressBattles of Lexington, ConcordCommon SenseX. boycottTea ActBoston Tea PartyStamp Act1st Continental CongressCommon SenseBattles of Lexington, ConcordY. Tea ActboycottBoston Tea Party1st Continental CongressCommon SenseBattles of Lexington, ConcordZ. Stamp ActCommon SenseTea ActBoston Tea PartyBattles of Lexington, Concordboycott1st Continental CongressXYZ

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Why was the message of the Declaration of Independence important to our country?

Because we are going to be a free country

What was the primary message of the declaration of independence?

the main argument about the declaration of independence is the freedom of religion the voice of the people to matter and the pursuit of happiness

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it still leaves a message in the world about justice and that it doesnt matter whether your strong or not and it discusses the importance of independence

Did the founding fathers stay locked in a hot room together when writing the declaration of independence?

yes it was Ben Franklin's new invention and that's how they added the secret message that can only be seen when steam is added

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the impact of war of independence brithish kill innocent peoples.burningthe bodies.

What is the hidden message in the Declaration of Independence picture?

As you have watched the famous movie national treasure, that movie is not non- fiction. So there fore it is not real. The Declaration of Independence clearly on the back says when it was signed which is July 4th 1776 and that date is stated on the back with Regarding the message on the back, according to the National Archives, "While no one knows for certain who wrote it, it is known that early in its life, the large parchment document was rolled up for storage. So, it is likely that the notation was added simply as a label." There are no hidden messages.

When was Message from the Country created?

Message from the Country was created on 1971-10-08.

What was Benjamin Franklin's point of telling The Hatmaker's sign to Thomas Jefferson?

To ease Jefferson's frustration at the editing of his draft of the Declaration of Independence, Franklin told the story to illustrate that (1) you can't please everyone and (2) the essence of your message remains despite the changes.

What is the main message in the declaration of independence?

In the American Declaration of Independence, the main idea (or, argument) focuses on the relationship of governed and government. In brief terms, the Declaration argues that there is a two-fold natural (or, as it may also be put, philosophical) truth that regulates this relationship: governments rule only by consent of those it governs and, further, where the government violates the trust implicit in that consent, the governed have the right to overthrow it for the sake of restoring a more natural governance.

What does message at the bottom of the flag mean?

The message at the bottom of the flag is to serve our country.

What message did the German admiralty declaration in 4 February 1915 sent to the world?

The message that the German Admiralty Declaration, February 4th, 1915, sent to the world was a very straightforward message. The declaration stated that all the waters around the British Isle were declared a war zone. Any ship that entered these waters would be destroyed and would sink. The Germans were warning all citizens of the world to stay far away from this area. Hope that helped.

Religion is important Yes or No Explain your answer?

No. The message is the same, the argument is simply ovcer who said the message and who gave them the message in the first place. What is more important - the words in a book or what font it is in?