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The short version is certain people were offended because god was mentioned in it. And others felt stating allegiance to a country that is not there own ( why are you here then) is just straight offensive to them.

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Q: Why isn't the pledge of allegiance said anymore?
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Related questions

How many words are ther in The Pledge of Allegiance?

I think about 25-28 words! (I said the pledge in my head!) Not sure at all

When was the first time the pledge of allegiance was said by the students at school?

the first time it was said at school bob and bill daken

Did original pledge of allegiance include under God?

no, it did not include the word god. it was later added in because the church said you have to believe in God.

What is the 'Pledge of Allegiance'?

The Pledge of Allegiance is an oath of loyalty and commitment to the United States of America. It is usually recited at the beginning of school days, public events, and government meetings. The pledge expresses patriotism and unity among citizens.

If two flags of different countries are displayed which pledge of allegiance is said first?

A pledge of allegiance would never be made to two different countries at the same time; any pledges that are made simultaneously would be made in the order in which they are required by several patterns, depending on who and what they are to. It doesn't matter how many flags are on display nor which ones they are.

Is the pledge of allegiance illegal in public schools?

My wife and I are both public school teachers. And in the state of Michigan it not only isn't illegal, it is said every morning.The pledge of allegiance has not be made illegal in any public school in the US.However what has been made illegal is for the teacher,coach,principle,school board ect to require that every student must recite the Pledge...Due to the religious nature of the Pledge a student can decline to participate in reciting the pledge if it is against their religious beliefs or lack thereof and the student can not be punished for doing so..

Did Obama omit the words under god in the pledge?

No, President Obama did not omit the words "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance. This claim is a false rumor that circulated online. The president recited the pledge with the words "under God" during public events, just like his predecessors.

Should the Pledge of Allegiance be Changed?

what's wrong with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America? Most of us have said it since we were young children, with pride and gratefulness. Well, it is really a matter of opinion. I personally beleive that it should, since the pledge distinctly says " nation, under god..." and there are many Americans in the public school system that are either Atheists, Agnostics, or any other religion that does not worship god. For that matter, it souldn't say "In god we trust" on the dollar bill, but that's a completely different debate.

Do you have the right to refuse to say the Pledge of Allegiance?

Yes you can refuse to say the Pledge of Allegiance if it is against your religious values ormorale values. In that fact any other reason wold probably work also. Although you can refuse nothing is said that others may look down on you for it but that's just because they don't accept the diversity of this country.

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because his tendion was too messed up so the doctors said he counldnt wrestle anymore

Is christian beadles single 2011?

Yeah he is Single he even said so on his twitter go look! HE ISNT DATING JADE JACKSON ANYMORE THEY BROKE UP.

What is the pledge in finding Nemo?

The pledge said in Finding Nemo is that "Fish are friends, not food."