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The Founding Fathers wanted a way to remove elected officials that were not discharging their duties as they should. They gave this authority to the House of Representatives, as this is the "Peoples House", and their views would closely reflect the will of the populace.

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13y ago

Impeachment in the United States is an expressed power of the legislature that allows for formal charges against a civil officer of government for crimes committed in office. The powers of Congress are enumerated in several places in the Constitution. The most important listing of congressional powers appears in Article I, Section 8 which identifies in eighteen paragraphs many important powers of Congress.

When the Constitution was written, there was turmoil over what the legislative body would be like. Representatives argued and fought for hours until a compromise was made. The legislation would be bicameral so that both small states and large states would get equal representation. In order to keep the executive branch in check; the Senate was given the power to confirm presidential appointees. One power that is equally shared in Congress is the power to impeach and try a federal officer.

The impeachment begins with the House. Any federal officer the American government can be impeached, but the House must find a motive to impeach him. This is one place where the "common" house can act before the "rich" house. If the House fells so, a Senator or even a member of the House can be impeached. The one check over this if the officer does not resign is that the Senate must put the officer on trial and convict him. The House has the power to act first, but the Senate must then back their actions.

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12y ago

That power is granted by the original US Constitution that was proposed and ratified to create the United States of America. Why? it was believed that there should be some way to remove a truly bad president from office and it was decided that the lower House, the one closely connected to the people, should begin the process, but the upper house was given the final decision, because it was designed to be more stable and less subject to passing rumors and transient political changes.

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So that there is a way to dismiss a President, Vice President, Supreme Court Judge or other official if they commit a serious crime.

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12y ago

So the 3 branches of govorment would have equal power.

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10y ago

Becouse the legislative branch needs to limit the president's powers ( Checks and Balances)

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Q: Why was congress given the power to impeach a president?
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Congress can impeach a president (accuse them of a crime), override the president's veto power, and reject his or her treaties.

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Power of the purse: congress can limit funding on things like war the president supportsAppointment confirmation: congress has to agree on the appointment of officials by the president.Congress can remove a president that is not doing his/her job.

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Yes. Congress has the power to build bridges, establish post offices, and impeach the president if nesseccary

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Congress can impeach the President if he commits a major crime. Congress can override the President's vetoes and Congress must approve of the President's nominations to federal positions, like federal judges.

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Congress. There must be a simple majority however to actually kick the president out.

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In order to remove presidents that abused their power, Congress was given the power of impeachment. The House of Representatives votes to impeach a president. Once the vote has passed, the president is tried by the Senate. If the president is found guilty by the Senate, he or she is removed from office. Presidents can be impeached for committing treason, high crimes and misdemeanors, or accepting bribes.

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The House of Representatives , which is the lower chamber of the legislative branch of the US government, has the power to impeach the President. Impeachment requires the Senate to hold a trial which upon conviction by 2/3 of the Senate would remove the President from office,

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- the power to choose the president - the removal power - the confirmation power - ratification power - amendment power Congress has the power to try and impeach a president by vote.