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The importance of John Marshall is that he made a very important decision that affected the judicial decisions in the United States. The decision helped legitimize the ability of the Supreme Court to judge the constitutionality of acts of the president or Congress.

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13y ago

In the case Marbury v. Madison, John Marshall announced that the Judiciary Act gave the court more power than the Constitution allowed it. The Judiciary Act was unconstitutional, known as judicial review, elevated the Supreme Court to a status balancing the powers of the other branches.

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14y ago

It was the first time the Court struck down an act of Congress (Judiciary Act, 1789), thus establishing the doctrine of judicial review and the power of the Court to be chief interpreter of the Constitution. Many historians believe the "Founding Fathers" had intended for the federal courts to have the power of judicial review. But even after the Marbury decision, many who supported the theory of "states' rights" continued to argue that the states rightly had that power according to their interpretation of the Constitution. It took a Civil War to uphold once and for all time, the supremacy of the Federal government including its power of judicial review.

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13y ago

he is important because he is the one who brought hundreds of people to CA to mine and find gold

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