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The Code of Hammurabi covered crimes, farming, businesses, activities, marriage, and family. It was an improvement over laws from individual city-states because it was easier that every city-state had the same laws, so there would be less confusion.

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Q: Why was the code of Hammurabi an improvement over laws from individual city-states?
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Why was the code of Hammurabi an improvement over laws from individual city- states?

The Code of Hammurabi covered crimes, farming, businesses, activities, marriage, and family. It was an improvement over laws from individual city-states because it was easier that every city-state had the same laws, so there would be less confusion.

Why was the code of Hammurabi an improvement over laws from Individual city-stayes?

Because it synchronized jurisdiction all over his Empire. (although it's called the "code" of Hammurabi, it was in fact not a collection of laws, but a collection of jurisdiction).

Who was Hammurabi and what did he?

the hammurabi code

What type of legal system did Hammurabi set up Code Of Hammurabi?

Code Of Hammurabi

Why on the code of Hammurabi is Hammurabi being handed the code of hammarabi?

It was his code he was the author.

Who developed the code of law in Babylon?

Hammurabi, the ruler of Babylon, developed the code of law there.

What are great facts about hammurabi?

Hammurabi is known for being the maker of the code of Hammurabi

How was Hammurabi's Code new and different?

Hammurabi's code is more strict

Why is the code of Hammurabi useful?

The Code of Hammurabi is the first written laws.

What king wrote the The Code of Hammurabi?


Who was the famous ruler of Babylon who created a code of law?

That was the sixth King Hammurabi who noted that cruel rules had short reigns so he created the Hammurabi code. The Code's importance as a reflection of Babylonian society is indisputable. Hammurabi's laws were established to be the "laws of Justice" intended to clarify the rights of any "oppressed man." Mesopotamia society under the Hammurabi code was one of strict penalties for criminal offenses with punishment severe and varied according to the wealth of the individual. Hammurabi's rigidly centralized ruling system prospered from tribute and taxes, which he used to both compensate state dependents and finance extensive state irrigation and building projects. The code also gives us a clear sense of the ways ancient Babylonians invested divine authority in their secular leaders.

What was the first known system of written law?

Code of Hammurabi was the first known written law.