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Manor houses were the homes of the owners of manors, and they were built for that purpose.

There is a link to a question on manor houses below, and its answer provides a bit more. There are also links at the question to pictures.

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Q: Why were manor houses built?
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How were the house built by the miwok different built by the hupa?

The Miwok lived in dirt-covered houses and the Hupa lived in rectangular houses built by cedar-wood planks.

Houses in early villages were built close together to?

in case of attack

How was manor life different than town and city life?

Manor Life The center of the manor was the house where the lord and his family lived. A manor was a piece of land having farm fields, and woods, a hamlet or village, farm buildings, and a house for a lord to live in with his family. Sometimes there was a second, smaller, nice house. Peasants called serfs lived and worked on the manor. The homes of the lords of the estates, and tended to be large and much more comfortable than the houses of other people. Some of the manor houses were fortified, and these could look very much like castles. Activities on the manor were from farming to woodworking to wine making. Town Life In the center of the town were the market square and a cathedral.Most medieval towns were dirty, cramped, and busy places. The streets were narrow, dirty, and usually not paved. Goldsmiths, bakers, weavers, and dryers had a town life. Most of the houses were made out of wood and easily caught on fire. In towns people with the same occupation formed groups called guilds. Guilds watched out for their members and worked to make sure everyone found employment.

A sentence for manor?

if you don't know the meaning of manor then you are stupied

What was a typical manor like?

farmland, forests, the lord's house or castle, and a peasant village

Related questions

What was a manor house built of?

Manor houses were of two types, those that were fortified and those that were not. Those that were fortified were generally built of stone and looked quite a lot like castles. Those that were not fortified were generally built of timbered construction, but were better built than most houses and the areas between timbers were more likely to be filled with brick than with wattle and daub. There is a link below to a related question on manor houses.

Where can one find Boja Manor?

Boja Manor is a manor house that was built for Baron von Behr in 1860. It currently houses a museum. It can be found in the historical region of Courland, in western Latvia.

How was a manor built and constructed?

A manor was not really built. It was an estate, which was made up of a large tract of land divided into agricultural land and wilderness areas, a manor house where the lord lived, other houses, perhaps in a village, agricultural buildings, other work buildings, and so on. There are links below to related questions.

What is Another term for country house?

Another term for a country house is a manor house. Years ago, manor houses were built surrounded by a boat and drawbridge and inside the main feature was a great hall.

Who did the samurai protect?

they protected the manor houses.

When was pennsbury manor built?


What do you call old houses belonging to lords during the ancient times?

Mandred or manor

Where would the cooking have been done in a manor house?

Where the cooking was done depended on when the manor house was built, and who built it. The modern chimney was not invented until the 12th century, and manor houses were still being built without chimneys for some time after that. The result was that much of the cooking was done outdoors. Manor houses without indoor kitchens usually had separate kitchen buildings with large windows for ventilation so cooking could be done under a roof in bad weather. Some manor houses had kitchens with vents in the wall or roof, often with the smoke guided to the vent by a smoke canopy. Manor houses with kitchens in the building often had multiple kitchens for cooking different things. Baking was done in an oven, and the ovens were not small, so a separate kitchen was done for baking. Kitchens tended to be located in low areas of the buildings, usually at ground level. But until there were chimneys, the kitchens tended to be in parts of the buildings where the roofs did not rise far above them. The related question below had links to pictures of medieval kitchens.

What does a lord live in?

A medieval baron had an estate called a barony, but it usually consisted of manors that were scattered through the country, and were not together. The baron could choose to live at any of the manors, and often barons would move from one to another fairly often so they could keep track of their estates personally. Most medieval nobles lived in manor houses, and most manor houses were just large, well built houses we might call mansions. Some nobles lived in fortified manor houses, which were built rather like castles, to the modern eye. Barons, who were at a higher rank than most other nobles, were likely to own castles of their own. Those who did own castles were likely not to wish to live in them, because castles were not always built to provide comfortable living space.

How many rooms do manor houses have on average?

:0 it has 30400

When was manor house built in southall?

If you mean Southall Manor House itself, it is post-medieval and dates to around 1587 (the date carved on a window pediment). It is likely that several other manor houses existed during the medieval period, of which no trace remains today. It does not feature in Domesday Book as most of Greater London was not surveyed.

What is a sentence with the word manor in it?

Example sentence - We vacationed in England and stayed at a manor in Brookshire.