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Q: Why were the Americans uneasy about France regaining control over the Louisiana territory in 1801?
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Did great Britain control the Louisiana Territory?

NO the French had contol of the Louisiana Territory

Which country controlled the Louisiana territory?

France had the control before the united states got.

What direction did the french control of the Louisiana territory prevent the British from expanding to?


Did the US fight France for control over the Louisiana Territory?

No , Napoleon Bonaparte gave the United States the Louisiana Territory for 3 cents an acre for various reasons

The French and Indian War involved competition over territory and what else?

The war between the Britain and native Americans competition to control the Ohio valley region

If the Louisiana territory had stayed under the ciontrol of francewhat might have happend to the US?

If the Louisiana territory would have stayed under the control of the French, then the U.S. would have eventually claimed the land, but at a later point in time.

Why did native Americans fight the battle of fallen timbers?

Native Americans fought the Battle of Fallen Timbers in an effort to keep control of their lands in the Northwest Territory. Despite the treaty that ceded Northwest territory land to the Americans, British troops continued to occupy the territory and assist Native Americans in fighting the colonists. The battle ended in total victory for the Americans.

What were the risks of purchasing the Louisiana territory?

that they would have to much land to control and that a lot of illegal things would happen

Did Jefferson believe that French control of the Louisiana Territory would improve American trade on the Mississippi river?


How did the Louisiana territory come to be under french control?

This land was purchased from France in 1803 for $15,000,000.

What did Jefferson want to do before buying the Louisiana territory?

Before buying the Louisiana territory, Jefferson wanted to secure access to the port of New Orleans. He feared that France, who had recently gained control of the territory from Spain, would restrict American trade along the Mississippi River. Jefferson initially sought to negotiate with France to secure this access, but when Napoleon offered to sell the entire territory, Jefferson seized the opportunity.

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