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King George's army and navy were busy fighting wars all over the world, especially in the Caribbean. The taxes went to pay for these wars.

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Q: Why were the colonists asked to pay taxes after 1763?
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Why did the British parliament impose taxes on the colonists after why did the British parliament impose taxes on the colonists after 1763?

The taxes were to help pay for the French and Indian war. They reasoned that they were protecting the colonists and the colonists were English subjects so they should help pay for the war.

Why did the proclamation of 1763 hamper the western movement of settlers?

this made the colonists unable to move west of the appalachians. they had to pay multiple taxes and this made the colonists angry at parliament.

Why did the proclamation of 1763 anger colonists?

because the colonists did feel it was fair to pay the taxes so they rebelled against the kings laws and dumped340 chests of tea in the boston harbor

Why did the great Britain raise taxes on on the American colonist after 1763?

King George III borrowed money from other countries to pay for the Seven Years' War and he needed a way to pay it back, so Prime Minister George Grenville asked Parliament to tax the colonists!

Why did the colonists believe that they did not have to pay British taxes?

They believed thy didn't have to pay British taxes because they were the colonists after all

Do you think colonists should pay their taxes'?


Why were the colonists asked to pay new taxes after 1763?

The colonies actually paid a great deal less in taxes that did the people in England. This caused problems back home where the people there complained about paying taxes to supply soldiers and administration in the Colonies, not only in America but everywhere Great Britain had Colonies. For these reasons, certain taxes were levied on items such as public papers, tea and other imported items, and colonists were made to house soldiers. This infuriated some Colonists, and as time passed others were stirred up as well against England's administration, even though most Colonists still considered themselves British.

What was the king of England point of views on the stamp act?

His goal was to have the colonists pay for the war that they had just had with the Indians. The war I am referring to is the French and Indian War (1756-1763). It was rather costly, and the King decided that the colonists should pay. He created several laws & taxes, & one of them was the Stamp Act. He believed this was a good way to get out of debt, but the colonists thought it unfair, as they didn't have anyone representing them in Parliament, where they approve taxes/laws.

Who did the colonists not want to pay the taxes to?

the king of England

How did the stamp affect the colonists?

It had a financial affect on the colonists. Most colonists couldn't afford to pay the taxes.

Who had to pay for the taxes during the stamp act?

American Colonists

Did the British want the colonists to pay taxes?

To have money for the war.