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When countries pay for waging war, that money is diverted from other interests. In the case of Xerxes, his aim was to seek revenge on Greece for the failings of his father. With the benefit of hindsight we can speculate that someone would warn Xerxes not to go to war with Greece because of the tenacity of the Greeks (Athens, Sparta, and the hundreds of other city-states) but a short answer would be the logistics of going to war is very expensive and risky when the enemy is far away. Before Thermoplye, Xerxes lost a great number of ships and men to a storm that sank the boats. With Persia being so far away, replacing them was a logistical nightmare; hence why Xerxes is purported to have invaded Greece with one million men in his army.

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Q: Why would someone want to warn Xerxes not to take revenge on Greece?
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Which Persian leader invaded Greece with 200000 soldiers in 480 B.C.?

The second Persian invasion of Greece (480-479 BC) occurred during the Greco-Persian Wars, as King Xerxes I of Persia sought to conquer all of Greece. The invasion was a direct, if delayed, response to the defeat of the first Persian invasion of Greece (492-490 BC) at the Battle of Marathon which ended Darius I's attempts to subjugate Greece. After Darius's death, his son Xerxes spent several years planning for the second invasion, mustering an enormous army and navy. The Athenians andSpartans led the Greek resistance, with some 70 city-states joining the 'Allied' effort. However, most of the Greek cities remained neutral or submitted to Xerxes. The invasion began in spring 480 BC, when the Persian army crossed the Hellespontand marched through Thrace and Macedon to Thessaly. The Persian advance was blocked at the pass of Thermopylae by a small Allied force under King Leonidas I of Sparta; simultaneously, the Persian fleet was blocked by an Allied fleet at the straits of Artemisium. At the famous Battle of Thermopylae, the Allied army held back the Persian army for seven days, before they were outflanked by a mountain path and the Allied rearguard was trapped in the pass and annihilated. The Allied fleet had also withstood two days of Persian attacks at the Battle of Artemisium, but when news reached them of the disaster at Thermopylae, they withdrew to Salamis. After Thermopylae, all of Boeotia and Attica fell to the Persian army, who captured and burnt Athens. However, a larger Allied army fortified the narrow Isthmus of Corinth, protecting the Peloponnesus from Persian conquest. Both sides thus sought out a naval victory which might decisively alter the course of the war. The Athenian general Themistocles succeeded in luring the Persian navy into the narrow Straits of Salamis, where the huge number of Persian ships became disorganised, and were soundly beaten by the Allied fleet. The Allied victory at Salamis prevented a quick conclusion to the invasion, and fearing becoming trapped in Europe, Xerxes retreated to Asia leaving his general Mardonius to finish the conquest with the elite of the army. The following Spring, the Allies assembled the largest ever hoplite army, and marched north from the isthmus to confront Mardonius. At the ensuing Battle of Plataea, the Greek infantry again proved its superiority, inflicting a severe defeat on the Persians, killing Mardonius in the process. On the same day, across the Aegean Sea an Allied navy destroyed the remnants of the Persian navy at the Battle of Mycale. With this double defeat, the invasion was ended, and Persian power in the Aegean severely dented. The Greeks would now move over to the offensive, eventually expelling the Persians from Europe, the Aegean islands and Ionia before the war finally came to an end in 479 BC.

Which nationality are you?

Nationality means what country you're from. i.e., if you are talking to someone from russia they would be Russian. If you are talking to someone from England they would be English. It depends who you are asking.

How did reciprocity affect the confederation?

Reciprocity, which means free trade, between the US and Canada, would help Canada's economy considerably. However, when Canada's mother country, Britain, supported the SOUTH side, the LOSING side to the American Civil War, the Americans (the NORTH side, who won) cancelled reciprocity as revenge on Britain for unofficially supporting the South. With Confederation, Canada would be independent from Britain, and therefore, the Americans could not do things to CANADA as revenge on BRITAIN. :)

What was the legacy of ancient Greece?

we would not have the right to vote for the one leader we want to rule our country and our country would not have a fair way to choose our leader

What do you call someone who lives in the wilderness?

Well, some would call such a person a Hermit.

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