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Our planet earth is a vast store house of knowledge with natural and historical heritage with diverse culture,custom,people,language and geographical regions for eco,historical,adventure tourism as education ,thrill and pleasure.

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Q: Why you want to travel around the world?
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Is it allowed to travel around the world with the world passport?

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Why did the men and women want to go to World War 1?

Because they thought it was a one and a life time opportunity to travel around the world.

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it can travel around the world taking nine months time

What means to travel around the world by water?

Circumnavigate is the word that means to travel around the world by water.

What word means to travel around the world by water?

Circumnavigate is the word that means to travel around the world by water.

How do you get permission to travel around the world by road?

This is only partly possable since there is no road that goes around the world. You would need to use a ship or plane to carry your vehicle over the oceans. You would need to get a passport and travel visa giving permission from each country you want to travel through.

Did Bessie Coleman travel around the world?

Yes, She did go around the world.

Which planet takes 1 year to travel around the world?

No planet travels around the world. All planets travel around the sun. This is called the solar system.

How are travel guides made?

I think travel guides are made mostly from experiences.Because if some people come together who have same interest in travel and they had some awesome experiences to travel all around the world then they surely can open a travel guide and give advices to people who want to travel

Why do you want to join travel industry?

I want to join airline industry because dis industry Is bomming up in the international level. And I wanna place my self in this indusrty because. Its a very intresting field. Where you can learn many things. Related to this field