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Reptiles always breathe with lungs. Amphibians may breathe with lungs, gills or through their skin.

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Q: Do amphibians or reptiles always breathe with lungs?
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Do amphibians and reptiles breathe with lungs?


What is the difference between how reptiles breathe and how amphibians breathe?

Reptiles have lungs and breathe air exclusively, while amphibians can also absorb oxygen through their skin and lining of their mouth. Additionally, reptiles have a more efficient breathing system compared to amphibians.

What non mammals breathe through lungs?

Birds, reptiles and most amphibians breathe through lungs.

What is the name of the organ that reptiles breath with?

Lizards breathe using their lungs. If they are underwater they have to come to the surface to breathe. Amphibians (frogs, newts, salamanders etc) are NOT reptiles. Amphibians often breathe through their skin.

What is the breathing method of mammals birds reptiles amphibians fish?

Mammals, birds, reptiles and adult amphibians breathe using lungs. Fish breathe using gills, while juvenile amphibians breathe using gills and spiracles.

Snakes breathe by means of which organ?

Snakes breathe using their lungs, like all reptiles. If they are underwater they have to come to the surface to breathe. Amphibians (frogs, newts, salamanders etc) are NOT reptiles. Amphibians often breathe through their skin.

Does a possum breathe through lungs?

Yes. Possums are mammals, and all mammals breathe through lungs, just as birds, reptiles and adult amphibians do.

What kind of lungs do reptiles have?

When amphibians are babies, they have gills, but most adult amphibians breathe with a pair of lungs excluding salamanders.

Do any reptiles breathe through gills?

Yes, all reptiles breathe using lungs. If they are underwater they have to come to the surface to breathe. Amphibians (frogs, newts, salamanders etc) are NOT reptiles. Amphibians often breathe through their skin.

Do elephants breath with lungs or gills?

Elephants breathe with lungs.Most land animals breathe with lungs.All mammals breathe with lungs.All reptiles breathe with lungs .All birds breathe with lungs.Some amphibians breathe with lungs, while some do not.Only fish and marine crustaceans breathe with gills.

Do crocodiles have gills?

No, crocodiles do not have gills. They breathe air using lungs, like other reptiles, and must surface periodically to breathe.

What do amphibians breathe with?

They breathe with gills and lungs