They can mutate into any form. which is a structural adaptation causing its bones to curve and crack into position
Cane toads look like any normal toad! They are called cane toads because...they're toads.cane toads are toads thaat are brownish and yellowishr
Yes there are.
cane toads
cane toads have lungs
Cane toads were brought to Australia by British settlers.
cane toads are most popular in south America
No. Cane toads do not pose a threat to blue banded bees.
Cane toads do eat spiders. They mostly eat insects. They will eat whatever they can fit I their mouths like snails, small frogs, and other cane toads.
People wanted cane toads to control the cane beetle population in Australia, as the beetles were destroying sugar cane crops. Cane toads were believed to be an effective biological control method due to their appetite for insects.
cane toads eat all native species like insects and snake eat cane toads but then the snake will die from the poison inside the cane toad and might lead into exiction