Because frogs and toads are amphibians, their eggs are generally fertilized in the water. The female lays her eggs in the water and the male spreads sperm over the eggs to fertilize them.
Amphibians have an external fertilisation, the males drop a sperm-packet wich the females inserts into their cloaca as in salamanders. Female frogs produce eggs and drop the eggmass into the water where they are fertilized by the male.
Fertilized eggs are eggs that have been fertilized by sperm, while embryonated eggs are fertilized eggs that have developed into embryos. In embryonated eggs, the embryo has started to grow and develop, while fertilized eggs are simply eggs that have been successfully fertilized.
"Yes! Fish eggs are jelly-like in texture. There are two different ways fish moms give birth. Some will lay their eggs in a safe, hidden environment where the eggs can grow safely in a nest. Others will keep the fertilized eggs in their bellies, until they hatch inside them and give birth."
If you have fertilized eggs you will not have periods, you are pregnant! not much
Both fertilized and unfertilized eggs have cholesterol.
yes the eggs are fertilized internally
Amphibians hatch from eggs
no because all amphibians don't lay eggs
Characteristics that resctrict amphibians to water include: 1) They breathe through their skin, which needs to be moist. 2) Their eggs are fertilized via external fertilization, which requires water. 3) They have gills which only functions in water.
Store bought eggs are never fertilized. If you are looking for fertilized eggs you need to go to a local farm or buy eggs from a hatchery.
Amphibians lay eggs.