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It takes 5year then it only one day left to live.

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9y ago

it is round about 12 inches long
1/2 in around

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Q: How long is a tree frog a froglet?
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Related questions

What is a frog called with a tail?

A frog with a tail is a juvenile frog in between a tadpole and a fully fledged frog also known as a froglet.

What is the name of a baby frog while it has gills an a tail?

A young frog that still has it's tail attached is called a froglet. It takes about 8 to 10 weeks for it to go from a tadpole to a froglet.

What is the Latin name of tree frogs?

The common tree frog is normally called "Canus Lupis" I know that that is what a lot of people think is a dog but it isn't. It is the common tree frog. I graduated from Harvard Law school.

What is the appearance of a froglet?

It looks like a frog with a tail

What is a frog with a tail still attached?

it is called a froglet

What happens to the tail of a froglet when it becomes a frog does it falls off or goes back in?

The frog absorbs it.

What is froglet?

A frog that has recently left the tadpole stage and has recently become a frog. They sometimes still have the tail on them.

What is the name of a young frog with tail still attached?

That is called a froglet =)

A young frog with tail still attached?

A young frog which has not yet absorbed it's tail is called a froglet.

First stage of a frogs life cycle?

Eggs, then tadpole, then froglet, then frog.

Why does a frog reabsorb its tail?

When a tadpole is developing into a frog, it goes through the Froglett stage. This is when the tail of the froglet disappears from the back of the froglett to form a tiny little frog. It is just a development stage of the froglet. I know from bringing them up from frogspawn if you see a froglet out of the water its tadpole tail sticks to whatever its climbing on which severly complicates the matter of walking or hopping for the baby frog. I hope this has sufficiently answered your question

Five frog names?

Mr. (or Ms.) Frog Froggy, Frogger, Froglet Geico (if it's a gecko) BOING (yea all caps) The Frog