The word 'Aztec' was created by an American writing a book, to separate or distinguish the older generation of Mexicans from the current ones. "Aztecs" in actuality called them selves Mexicas. Mexicans today and Mexicans of the past have the same relation as Ancient Chinese and Modern Chinese.
Now obviously Mexicans can be of any race. As a black person who is a Chinese citizen is also Chinese. But reguarding racial ethnicity, yes.
They are still alive today. Most modern Mexicans are descended from Aztecs. But their empire collapsed in the 16th Century, and Mexico was turned over to Spanish rule.
They were mexicans in Meso-America
No; the descendants of Incas are the Peruvian people, from the country of Peru in South America. The Incan Empire never extended as far north as Mexico. Mexicans are descendant from Native Americans (Aztecs, Mayas) and Europeans that colonzed the Americas during the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries.
There is no such word as "Aztects". If you are asking about Aztecs, their civilization collapsed in the 16th Century, but they are still alive today. Most modern Mexicans descend from Aztecs.
Spanish and fought the mayans a several timesND
They are still alive today. Most modern Mexicans are descended from Aztecs. But their empire collapsed in the 16th Century, and Mexico was turned over to Spanish rule.
They were mexicans in Meso-America
No; the descendants of Incas are the Peruvian people, from the country of Peru in South America. The Incan Empire never extended as far north as Mexico. Mexicans are descendant from Native Americans (Aztecs, Mayas) and Europeans that colonzed the Americas during the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries.
No not all mexicans are descendants of the aztec people some are myan i myself is mexican and i am a descendent of the aztecs but no not all mexicans are aztecs just remember of the myans
The Mexicans descend from the Aztecs, Mayans, other Amerindian groups, the Spanish, and other European immigrants.
Pumpkin seeds
Yes. They were known as Aztecs.
No. Aztec people were a civilization that lived in present-day central Mexico, and were conquered by Spanish conquistadores on August 13, 1521. Modern Mexicans are half Amerindians (including Aztecs) and half Spanish, so they would be the descendants of ancient Aztecs but it would be the other way around: Mexicans are Aztecs.
Native American Indians (predominantly Aztecs) and European Spaniards.
Aztecs called themselves Mexicas. So yea "Aztecs" are Mexicans.Within the Mexica empire there were many groups Zapotec, Mixtec, Maya, Purchepeche, etcall of them could also be considered Mexican tooIn this modern age, any one a citizen of Mexico or descended could be considered Mexican. As any person who is a citizen of Japan is Japanese.