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Every single ancient country could see the sky, so each one had their on constellations. Most of them were Greek and Egyptian, but some were Islamic and Roman. The famous constellations are the Greek ones.

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Q: Are all of the constellation names Greek?
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What Constellation all have names from which origin?


What are the greek names for the constellation Sagittarius?

The Greeks called the constellation Toxotes.

How constellation get their names?

from the miths created by the people of greek

How are Greek myths and constellations alike?

Greek myths explain the name (and origin) of many constellation names.

What does constellation mean in Greek?

"Constellation" is a Greek word, and constellations were first discovered by the Greeks, believed to be a greek called 'Homer'. I think constellations is the name given to them by the Greek, so therefore 'constellation' in Greek is 'constellation'.

I need to know all about the constellation and greek mythology of the constellation leo. can anyone help me?

Google and Wikipedia are your friends.

How did alpha centauri get its name?

It's the brightest star in the constellation Centaurus. Star names are assigned based on the genitive form of the name of the constellation they're in, with the brighter stars (usually) being given low Greek letter names.

Is Demeter a constellation?

No, Demeter is a Greek goddess, not a constellation.

Does the Greek Goddess Nike have a constellation?

No - the IAU does not recognize Nike, the greek Goddess of Victory as a constellation.

What 3 constellation are all explained by the same greek myth?

Hydra, Crater, Corvus

Does the greek god Zeus have a constellation?

it was said that he did but with all the polution and smog it supposedly disapeared

What names do the stars use?

Stars use names based off of Greek mythology such as Ursa Major which means Big Bear. The common name for this constellation is the Big Dipper.