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I would define it as the type of civilization developed by the Greeks and later practiced by the Romans, in the Mediterranean area, from circa 500 BC to circa 500 AD. Art, architecture, literature, science, and the concept of self-government flourished with Greco-Roman civilization. It had some advantages over the civilizations that preceded it, and some advantages over the civilizations that followed it.

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is the culture of Roman and Greek

It was the ancient Roman culture that was greatly influenced by Greek culture.

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All the list of ancient human civilization in the world?

This is an alphabetically ordered list of ancient civilizations. It includes types of cultures, traditions, and industries as well as more traditionally defined civilizations. Abbevillian industry Acheulean industry Aegean civilizations Amratian culture Ancestral Pueblo culture Ancient Egypt Ancient Greek civilization Ancient Iran Ancient Italic people The ancient Middle East Ancient Rome Andean cultures Archaic culture Assyria Aterian industry Aurignacian culture Australian Aboriginal peoples Azilian industry Badarian culture Banpo culture Big-Game Hunting Tradition Boian culture Capsian industry Carthage Chavín Chellean industry Choukoutienian industry Clactonian industry Dawenkou culture Desert cultures Dong Son culture Dorset culture El Argar Erlitou culture Ertebølle industry Fauresmith industry Gerzean culture Ghassulian culture Hohokam culture Hongshan culture Ibero-Maurusian industry Indus civilization Inugsuk culture Ipiutak culture Jōmon culture Kachemak culture Kurgan culture Lapita culture LBK culture Longshan culture Lupemban industry Magdalenian culture Maglemosian industry Magosian industry Mesopotamia Minoan civilization Mississippian culture Moche Mogollon culture Mousterian industry Mycenaean civilization Nachikufan industry Natufian culture Nazca Nok culture Old Cordilleran culture Oldowan industry Osteodontokeratic tool industry Paracas Perigordian industry Phoenicia pre-Columbian civilizations Qijia culture Recuay Sangoan industry Solutrean industry Stillbay industry Tasian culture Tayacian industry Teotihuacán civilization Thule culture Trypillya culture Urnfield culture Villanovan culture Woodland cultures Yangshao culture Yayoi culture

What is difference between modern and ancient culture?

our acient culture is a folk culture while the modern culture is modernized or civilized

What is the pioneer of the greek culture?

Aegean Sea Culture

Ancient culture that lived by the sea?

what is an ancient culture that lived near the sea ? what is an ancient culture that lived near the sea ?

What culture replaced the urban culture of Roman Empire?

The Dark Age.