Only a small minority of people were able to write at all and most of the surviving letters are from Egyptian royalty to the royal families of neighbouring countries - but these would have been dictated and written by scribes.
Other letters are in the form of official reports from officials or army officers, again written by scribes. These letters were always written in hieratic script rather than hieroglyphs.
They wrote in temples, houses, places of wership and shops
The ancient Egyptians were based in egypt.
Yes, the ancient Egyptians are really ancient! They lived more than 5,000 years ago, and their civilization lasted for about 3000 years. You can today learn the why they write! I for one am very interested in ancient Egypt!!!!!
most Ancient Egyptians were peasant farmers
Ancient Egyptians were first to create beer.
so they could write letters to each other and to educate people
Ancient Egyptians do not exist today. Modern Egyptians read and write Arabic, which is the national language of Egypt.
The Ancient Egyptian scribes were asked to record any pieces of needed information. They were also asked by people to write letters to people
Egyptians read and write but only in their language- the Egyptians language. the Egyptian language has no real letters just symbols that represent letters.
The ancient Egyptians far suppassed the intelligence of the 21st century Egyptians.
no is stupid from bob
Sure. Egypt is an Arab country. Prior to 600 CE, Egyptians spoke Byzantine Greek and wrote with Greek letters. Ancient Egypt used hieroglyphics and several local alphabets (such as Demotic).
Clay tablets.
yes the egyptians used hieroglyphics but im not sure about the sumerians.
to build pyramids(and for something to write on).