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well yes but other heroes (demigods) did like achillies he got a arrow through his achilllies he was immortal from head to achillies and pointers greek gods can die only killed by another god

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Q: Did Ares survive The Trojan War?
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What war did Ares fight in?

Ares fought in the Trojan War.

What did Ares do in the trojan war?

he did your mom

Was mars on the greek side of the Trojan war?

No, Ares/Mars was on the Trojan side.

What side of the Trojan war did Ares favor?

The Trojans

What gods were in the Trojan war?

aphrodite, Athena, hera, ares, Zeus

Is troy the son of Achilles or Ares?

Troy is not the son of Achilles or Ares. In Greek mythology, Troy refers to the city of Troy, which is famously known for the Trojan War. Achilles is a Greek hero who fought in the Trojan War, while Ares is the Greek god of war.

What proves that ares really doesn't control war?

He was on the losing side during the Trojan War.

Who is side did Hera do in the Trojan war?

Hera was strongly on the Greeks, she was a Greek goddesses. She wounded Ares just because he was a Trojan.

Was Ares in any storys?

Yes, he plays a part in the Trojan War. he was in Percy Jackson. in god of war and the Olympians

What were myths that Ares appeared in?

well he's in a quite a few myths such as the Trojan war and the Iliad and the odyssey.

What myths were the Greek god Ares in?

the Trojan war, the giants, and the one involving aphrodite that i prefer not to talk about.

Why was ares on the trojans side?

Ares sided with the Trojans during the Trojan War because of his connection with Aphrodite, who supported Paris, a prince of Troy. Ares favored the Trojans because of this alliance with Aphrodite.