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Basically, yes, they did, although Julius Caesar gets the historical credit for it. Caesar used the Egyptian astronomers to help calculate and reform the out of date calendar that the Romans were using.

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Q: Did the Ancient Egyptians give us the 365 day calendar?
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The 365-day calendar was a contribution of the ancient civilization of?

The ancient Egyptians had a 360 day calendar, but i do believe they were the founders of the 365 calendar. Hope it help :)

When was the first 365-Day calendar adopted?

Several early civilisations adopted the 365 day calendar. Notably the Ancient Egyptians. Certainly before 3000 BC

What annual event helped ancient Egyptians develop the first 365-day calendar?

The flooding of the nile

Did the Egyptians make the 365 day calendar?

No. The Aztecs are credited with making the 365-day calendar.

Did ancient Egyptians invent the 365 day calendar?

yes because they thought they're are 360 days not 365 because, they notice that there are 12 months

Egyptians had a solar what of 365 days?


Who created the 365 day calendar?

ancient egyptians :D There has always been 365 1/4 days in a year. Thats a physical fact, that no one can alter. How it is divided up into months, is arbitary. Our modern calendar was formulated by pope Gregory and is known as the Gregorian calendar.

What was the four accomplishments of the ancient Egyptians?

The pyramidThe sphinxThe pots and cups made by clayWorship of the cat

Which ancient Americans made the most accurate calendar?

The Aztec calendar recognised 365 days

How many days were there in the ancient calendar?

The earliest recorded in ancient history calendar was the "Egyptian calendar" around 4236 B.C.E. They devised a 365-day calendar basing on the moon's cycles or what is called the solar calendar.

What did the egyptians make?

They made the 365 day calendar

When was the first calendar made?

The ancient Egyptians counted how many days it took till harvest, and they counted 365 days between each harvest. Therefore, the ancient Egyptians year was 365 days. This made it easier to tell within how many days it would be till the next harvest, as well as being able to specify dates and times.