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yes he had many. 14 actually. he had an extensive amount of romances

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Q: Did the roman god Jupiter have any children?
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Are you sure that ROMAN god discovered Jupiter?

"ROMAN god" did not discover Jupiter. it is named after roman god...JUpiter

Is Jupiter named after a roman or greek God?

The planet Jupiter is named after the roman god Jupiter, the roman counterpart of the greek god Zeus.

Where the roman god Jupiter lives?

The roman god Jupiter lives in mount Olympus's.

What are Jupiter name after?

Jupiter is named after the king of the Roman gods in Roman mythology. In Roman mythology, Jupiter was considered the god of the sky and thunder.

What was the Roman god Jupiter god of?

The roman god Jupiter, is the same as the Greek god Zeus. he is in charge of the sky and storms.

Jupiter is the god of?

Jupiter is the God of the sky. Jupiter is the roman god name for Zeus.

Where was Roman God Jupiter born?

The Roman god Jupiter was the king of all of the Roman gods. Although many Roman tales talk about Jupiter's childhood, there is no record of where he was born.

How many children did the Roman god Mars have?

Mars, the Roman god of war, had two children: Romulus and Remus. According to legend, they were the founders of Rome.

Origin of the name Jupiter?

Roman God Jupiter. God of Joviality.

What was the name of the Roman god that compared to the Greek god Zeus?

The Roman god comparable to the Greek god Zeus was Jupiter. Jupiter was the king of the gods in Roman mythology, similar to Zeus in Greek mythology.

What is Jupiter's name from?

Jupiter's name originates from Roman mythology. In Roman mythology, he was the king of the gods and the god of the sky and thunder.

Who were the wives of roman god Jupiter?

The wives of the Roman god Jupiter were Juno, who was considered his queen, and possibly also Ceres and Fauna. Juno was the most prominent and recognized as Jupiter's primary consort in Roman mythology.