Herodotus is considered to be the father of history. Herodotus was the first to record a historical event and that was the Persian War.
Herodotus is considered the father of history. The second ancient Greek historian was Thucydides.
It because herodotus copied most of the works of hecateus and since Herodotus was the father of history then it makes hecateus the grandfather
Herodotus was born in 484 B.C., in Halicarnassus on the southeastern coast of present-day Turkey. He is considered the first historian and the Father of History.
Herodotus is considered to be the father of history.
Herodotus I think.
Herodotus of Halicarnassus.
Herodotus is believed to be the first historian in the western world. He's also th father of history.
Herodotus is considered the father of history. The second ancient Greek historian was Thucydides.
NovaNET answer: was the first to write a rational history
Herodotus of Halicarnassus.