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Daphne wasn't a goddess, she was a nymph, and she didn't die, she was turned into a Laurel tree.

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Q: How did Daphne the greek goddess die?
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What is Daphne the greek goddess symbol?

Daphne was not a goddess, she was a nymph. She had no symbol.

Where was greek goddess daphne born?

daphne is not a goddess she is a wood nimph so she can turn into a tree she would have been born in the forest

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Daphne was a Naiad nymph of the Peneios river in Thessalia. She is only known for the stories of Apollos love for her and doesn't have any specific 'powers'.

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she was not a goddess, she was actually a wood nymph

What is daphne the goddess of?

Daphne wasn't a goddess, she was a Nymph. She was the daughter of Peneus, a lesser river deity and the son of Oceanus and Tethys.

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How did greek mythology die?

Hygiea is not able to die she is a goddess