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They developed a death ritual and built the Pyramids because of it.

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Q: How did religious beliefs shape the lives of Egyptians?
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What did Egyptians use resin for?

Resin was used by the Egyptians as part of the mummification process. The resin was poured into the person's skull after the brain was removed to help it keep its shape. It was also used to secure bandages in place.

How did the Egyptians cut their diamonds?

Ancient Egyptians may not have 'cut' their diamonds in the same way that diamonds are 'cut' today. The natural occurrence of a diamond can be a pyramid shape, and even two pyramids fused together at the base. In this incarnation, a diamond is quite beautiful and eye-catching.

Why did Aztecs and ancient Egyptians both built pyramids?

They both built them as homage to their kings or gods. The reason stone structures were used it presumably because stone was the most durable material available. There are many guesses, but no one knows why the pyramid shape was chosen.

Why is the egyptian civilization important?

The Egyptian civilization is an incredibly important civilization in human history because of its lasting influence on culture art language and architecture. The ancient Egyptians were the first to develop a writing system they developed a calendar and they made advancements in mathematics engineering and medicine. They were also the first to construct large-scale monuments and religious temples. This civilization has left behind a vast legacy of knowledge that has helped us understand the world today. Here are some of the important contributions of the Egyptian civilization: Developed a writing system Developed a calendar Advanced mathematics engineering and medicine Constructed large-scale monuments and religious temples Left behind a vast legacy of knowledgeThe contributions of the Egyptian civilization have had a lasting influence on the world and continue to shape our culture art language and architecture today.

Why is Homer described as the shaper of the Greek spirit?

Homer was the author of The Odyssey and The Iliad; both The Iliad and The Odyssey gave insight into what the Greeks not only did (as in tactics in war, as in the case with The Iliad) but a look into how they saw the Olympian gods in action; Homer preserved the ideals of the Greeks in his writings. He did not necessarily shape the Greek spirit during his time, but he cleared some obscure customs and beliefs for future generations.

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Did Judaism and Christianity shape religious beliefs and moral thinking?

God (Allah) did that.

What beliefs and ways of life shape the religious traditions of Islam?

What God they choose to worship

Why are values important in life?

Values are strong ideas by which you make decisions. These are different from beliefs, which are strongly held values and shape the way you think. For example, you may find hard work as a value but the idea that an all-loving God created the Universe is your belief.

What two ways do religious duties shape life?

Religious duties provide a moral and ethical framework for individuals to make decisions and guide their behavior. They also create a sense of community and belonging by encouraging participation in religious rituals and events.

What colony was considered a Holy Experiment?

Pennsylvania, founded by William Penn, was considered a Holy Experiment because Penn sought to establish a colony based on religious tolerance, equality, and fair treatment of Native Americans. He aimed to create a society where people of different faiths could live together peacefully.

How did Vedic religious beliefs shape the organization of Indian society?

The religion divides people into four types, the priestly caste, the warrior caste, the merchant caste, and the worker caste.

What are the beliefs in the shape of the Earth?

the world is round

Why do the religious people follow the dietary traditions?

Religious people may follow dietary traditions as a way to show respect or obedience to their faith. These traditions are often based on religious teachings, beliefs, or cultural customs that shape their lifestyle and practices. By adhering to these dietary rules, individuals may strengthen their spiritual connection and feel closer to their religious community.

What is theological point of view?

A theological point of view is a perspective or interpretation of religious beliefs, teachings, and practices based on theological principles. It involves studying and discussing the nature of God, the divine, and spiritual matters from a religious perspective. Theological viewpoints often shape how individuals understand and interpret religious texts and traditions.

Where did the heart shape come from?

1. The heart shape seems to come from a plant seed used in the 7th century B.C. for birth control. Grown in Africa the seed is in the classic "heart" shape and was used so heavily by the Ancient Egyptians for birth control purposes that the plant became extinct.2. A Catholic woman had a vision/dream of this classic "heart" shape in the Middle Ages. Some Catholics believe this to be it's origin.3. Some naturalists believe it resembles a women's breasts or bottom. "The Naked Ape" author postulated this.As for me, the Egyptians had it going on in many respects for many things the Romans, Greeks and today's Modern people do and say today, including a lot of our religious beliefs. I tend to lean towards the first answer above.

What was the purpose of the Egyptians eyeliners?

to bring out the beauty and shape of the eyes. Egyptians were amazed with womens beauty,they showed of there beauty with makeup