The fleets of the invading Persians fought it out with the combined fleet of the defending southern Greek city-states.
It was a sea battle. The Greek fleet assembled at the island of Salamis in preparation to fighting the Persian fleet.
The Battle of Salamis took place in the strait between Piraeus and Salamis Island, an island in the Saronic Gulf near Athens.
In the strait between the island of Salamis and Athens.
In the bay between the island of Salamis and Athens.
In the strait between Salamis Island and Athens.
Battle of Salamis happened in -480.
It was a sea battle. The Greek fleet assembled at the island of Salamis in preparation to fighting the Persian fleet.
The Battle of Salamis took place in the strait between Piraeus and Salamis Island, an island in the Saronic Gulf near Athens.
In the strait between the island of Salamis and Athens.
In the bay between the island of Salamis and Athens.
Xerxes I of Persia was defeated in the naval battle of Salamis by Athenian admiral Themistocles .
In the strait between Salamis Island and Athens.
Approximately 1 month! :D The question you mean is : how long did the battle of salamis last? ;)
In the strait between the island of Salamis and Attica, known as the Battle of Salamis, where the Persian fleet was defeated in 480 BCE. The following year in 479 BCE there was a land battle at Plataia where the army of the Persians and their Greek allies was defeated.
Between the Island of Salamis and the Greek mainland near Athens.
In the straits between mainland Greece and the Island of Salamis, September 480 BC. The battle was a decisive Greek victory