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they would take a ride on the ferryboat driven by Charon down the river of Acheron (the river of sorrow) for the price of a few drachmas, or they would enter through the secret passage in which Hermes entered.... yea it wasnt so secret

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Q: How did the Greeks enter the Greek underworld?
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Why were Greek gods made?

they were a religon the Greeks believed in. a god for every thing like sun sea and underworld

Who is master of the greek underworld?

the greek god of the underworld was hades

What the name of the Greek underworld?

The Underworld

What is the name of the Greek underworld?

The Underworld

You are the roman god of the of the underworldthe Greeks called you hades what planets?

Hades is the Greek God of the Underworld, the Dead, and riches. The Romans refer to Him as Pluto.

Was was hades god of?

He was the god of the underworld ,Death and Rams

Who is the greek underworld god?

The Greek mythological god of the underworld is known as Hades.

Why is hades morbid?

Hades is the Greek God of the Underworld, where the Greeks believed people went after their deaths. So Hades is morbid in that he is the focus of death and dying.

Was Pluto a Greek god?

No. But he is a Roman God of the underworld. The Greek God of the Underworld is Hades.

What did Greek Gods do?

Greek Gods were made up by the Greeks to explain different natural events. Like for instance lightning was decided to be thrown from Mount Olympus (Not the actual mountain, the Mythological one) by the Greek God Zeus. Also to explain things that happen when you die, for example when you die the Greeks believed you would go to the Underworld (Hades) and be judged by the god Hades (Confusing right) and go to different parts of the Underworld depending on your life.

Why did ancient Greeks fear Persephone queen of the underworld?

Persephone, as Queen of the Underworld, was a deity of death, to draw her attention was to invite death as the Greeks thought it.

Why does Hermes exist?

Unless you practice Greek polytheism,he never did.There is no evidence he ever did,nor the other Greek gods.But to the Ancient Greeks,he existed to guide mortals to the Underworld and to send messages to Hades.