They split the sheep of the cyclops among the men and had a feast, sacrificing the ram to Zeus.
Odysseus escaped the Cyclops by offering him wine to drink. The Cyclops got drunk and passed out and Odysseus and his men then fled.
prayed to zeus
Odysseus and 6 of his 12 men escape from the cyclops Polyphemus' cave.
he tells the cyclops that his name is nobody, he goes on the underbelly of goats to escape the cyclops, etc..
Odysseus hides under Polyphemus' largest ram as it exits the cave.
Odysseus escaped the Cyclops by offering him wine to drink. The Cyclops got drunk and passed out and Odysseus and his men then fled.
What does Odysseus say after their escape
Odysseus refrains from killing the Cyclops while he is asleep because the Cyclops is the only one who can move the large stone blocking the cave's entrance. If Odysseus were to kill the Cyclops while he slept, he and his men would be trapped in the cave with no way to escape. By keeping the Cyclops alive, Odysseus increases their chances of making a successful escape.
In The Cyclops, when he and his men are trapped in Polyphemus's cave, Odysseus stabs him in the eye to blind him. Once he is blinded he ties his men and himself to the Cyclops animals and when the Cyclops lets the animals outside they escape.
Odysseus blinds the cyclops with a sharpened spear. They escape by attaching themselves to the bottom of the sheep. The cyclops is feeling the ground but does not hurt the sheep because he loves them. So when the Cyclops feels the tops of the sheep, he lets them go, letting Odysseus and his men go in the process.
prayed to zeus
Odysseus and 6 of his 12 men escape from the cyclops Polyphemus' cave.
he tricks the cyclops into thinking his name is "nobhdy" to escape the island
he tells the cyclops that his name is nobody, he goes on the underbelly of goats to escape the cyclops, etc..
Odysseus used his intelligence and cunningness to outsmart the Cyclops, Polyphemus. By cleverly convincing Polyphemus that his name was "Nobody" and blinding him while he was drunk, Odysseus was able to escape from the Cyclops's cave.
Odysseus demonstrates cunning and cleverness by lying to the Cyclops about his name. This trait allows him to outwit the Cyclops and successfully escape from captivity.
they poke out his eye.