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Sirens were nymphs who lured sailors to their death with a bewitching song.

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Q: How do the sirens destroy men in the odyssey?
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Who Are sirens on The Odyssey?

The sirens are a danger that Odysseus and his men must pass to return home.

What do sirens do to men at sea?

Sirens are a mythical tale of women at sea that seduce men because they are lost at sea and they are desperate. Sirens seduce the men and when they come close enough, they destroy them.

In the Odyssey did the sirens lure Odysseus?

Yes; the Sirens sang their enchanted song, and attempted to lure Odysseus and his men to their doom.

What is the Peril of the sirens in odyssey?

With their song they lured men to drown and ships to wreck upon cliffs in effort to reach the sirens.

How do the Sirens destroy men?

They become what the man desires and brainwash them to do anything they want

How many sirens were in The Odyssey?

In Homer's "The Odyssey," there were two sirens mentioned. They were known for luring sailors with their enchanting voices to shipwreck on their island. Odysseus encountered the sirens on his journey home.

Who were in the Temptations in The Odyssey?

The sirens

Who is the siren in 'The Odyssey?

They are beautiful young ladies who sing songs and try to get men to steer their ships into dangerous rocks and destroy them, then they try to kill the men.

Who are the singing creatures in the odyssey?

The Sirens

What did the sirens promise in The Odyssey?

In "The Odyssey," the sirens promised to provide knowledge and insight to sailors who listened to their enchanting music. However, their true intention was to lure sailors to their deaths by causing them to shipwreck on the rocky shores where the sirens resided. Odysseus and his men avoided this fate by following a clever plan devised by Odysseus himself.

How is the sirens realtionship to the Odyssey?

Sirens were nymphs who lured sailors to their death with a bewitching song.

Who wrote the sirens?

Homer, in the Odyssey and Iliad