Hieroglyphics is a writing system, not a language. You can ask how to write this in hieroglyphics or how to say this in Ancient Egyptian.
No one alive today knows how ancient Egyptian was spoken.
The name of Egyptian mascara is called KOHL.
Bastet was married to Ptah and had a son. --Some say she was married to Ra though.
The ancient Egyptian soldiers lived in fortresses and garrisons.
You can say : Jameela, or Helwa
Ancient Egyptian myth does not say.
In Arabic writing its أنها جميلة
No one knows what the vowels were for Ancient Egyptian, but "Delia" would probably be pronounced the same as in English.
modern egyptians speak arabic....... شكرت أنت
An ancient Egyptian harpist
they had their own religion. i guess you could call it ancient egyptian. most people just call their polytheistic religion by their gods names, or say "the egyptian gods"
It's called an online translator-check into it.
Im doing pretty good here
Ancient Egyptian
There is no ancient Egyptian god Zyopt.
how did ancient Egyptian life differ from ours