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Q: How does homer identify Odysseus as the protagonist of the history?
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How does the homer identify the Odysseus as the protagonist of the story?

Homer establishes Odysseus as the protagonist in "The Odyssey" through the focus on his journey, challenges, and character development. The narrative follows Odysseus' trials, victories, and personal growth, showcasing his heroic qualities and central role in the epic. Additionally, the title of the epic itself, "The Odyssey," signifies that it is Odysseus' journey that is at the heart of the story.

How does homer identify Odysseus as the protagonist of the story?

Odysseus is the main focus of the stort

Which group lists all proper nouns in this sentence In The Odyssey by Homer, the protagonist, Odysseus, displays great cleverness and courage when he blinds the one-eyed giant Polyphemus.?

Proper nouns in the sentence are "The Odyssey," "Homer," "Odysseus," and "Polyphemus."

Which group lists all concrete nouns in this sentence In The Odyssey by Homer, the protagonist Odysseus displays great cleverness and courage when he blinds the one-eyed giant Polyphemus.?

the odyssey,homer.protagonist,odysseus,giant,poly

Who is the anuthor of The Odysseus?


Odysseus is a character created by who?

Homer in the Odyssey. Yet it is unlikely that Homer wholly created Odysseus; he was likely a folk hero of the ancient Greek people who Homer was familiar with.

Which group lists all abstract nouns in this sentence In The Odyssey by Homer, the protagonist Odysseus displays great cleverness and courage when he blinds the one-eyed giant Polyphemus.?

cleverness, and courage

What epic is about Odysseus?

The Odyssey by Homer

Who wrote the story of Odysseus?


Odysseus was _______.?

Odysseus was the principal character in Homer's Iliad and Odyssey.

Who was the Homeric inspiration for James Joyce Ulysses?

The Homeric inspiration for James Joyce's Ulysses was Odysseus, the protagonist of Homer's epic poem The Odyssey. Joyce's novel reimagines the events of a single day in Dublin as a modern-day parallel to Odysseus' journey home to Ithaca.

Who were Greek playwrights?

Homer, Odysseus, Shakespeare