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Some modern roads follow the path of Roman Roads. After the end of the Roman civilization, the stone paving of the Roman Roads was not replicated. However, some Roman Roads remained important trade routes in the Middle Ages and followed trade itineraries which are still used today.

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We get our water from similarly the same way! Where they use aqueducts, we use underground pipes, and our water goes through a treatment plant first.

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Q: How does the roman roads still affect us today?
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What is the modern result of the Roman roads?

Some modern roads follow the path of Roman Roads. After the end of the Roman civilization, the stone paving of the Roman Roads was not replicated. However, some Roman Roads remained important trade routes in the Middle Ages and followed trade itineraries which are still used today.

Can you still see roman roads today?

Yes, Roman roads can still be seen today, the most famous of them being the Via Appia just outside of the city of Rome. It still has the original paving stones. In other parts of Europe there are traces of the Roman roads and some sections are well-preserved.

What are some lasting effects of roman roads?

Well, the roads themselves are lasting effects in a way. Parts of some of them are still usable today. However the main lasting effect of Roman roads is the routs they took. Many European roads follow the same or similar routs of the old Roman roads. In ancient times the roads brought prosperity to the empire and the opportunity for expansion and the spread of Roman culture.Well, the roads themselves are lasting effects in a way. Parts of some of them are still usable today. However the main lasting effect of Roman roads is the routs they took. Many European roads follow the same or similar routs of the old Roman roads. In ancient times the roads brought prosperity to the empire and the opportunity for expansion and the spread of Roman culture.Well, the roads themselves are lasting effects in a way. Parts of some of them are still usable today. However the main lasting effect of Roman roads is the routs they took. Many European roads follow the same or similar routs of the old Roman roads. In ancient times the roads brought prosperity to the empire and the opportunity for expansion and the spread of Roman culture.Well, the roads themselves are lasting effects in a way. Parts of some of them are still usable today. However the main lasting effect of Roman roads is the routs they took. Many European roads follow the same or similar routs of the old Roman roads. In ancient times the roads brought prosperity to the empire and the opportunity for expansion and the spread of Roman culture.Well, the roads themselves are lasting effects in a way. Parts of some of them are still usable today. However the main lasting effect of Roman roads is the routs they took. Many European roads follow the same or similar routs of the old Roman roads. In ancient times the roads brought prosperity to the empire and the opportunity for expansion and the spread of Roman culture.Well, the roads themselves are lasting effects in a way. Parts of some of them are still usable today. However the main lasting effect of Roman roads is the routs they took. Many European roads follow the same or similar routs of the old Roman roads. In ancient times the roads brought prosperity to the empire and the opportunity for expansion and the spread of Roman culture.Well, the roads themselves are lasting effects in a way. Parts of some of them are still usable today. However the main lasting effect of Roman roads is the routs they took. Many European roads follow the same or similar routs of the old Roman roads. In ancient times the roads brought prosperity to the empire and the opportunity for expansion and the spread of Roman culture.Well, the roads themselves are lasting effects in a way. Parts of some of them are still usable today. However the main lasting effect of Roman roads is the routs they took. Many European roads follow the same or similar routs of the old Roman roads. In ancient times the roads brought prosperity to the empire and the opportunity for expansion and the spread of Roman culture.Well, the roads themselves are lasting effects in a way. Parts of some of them are still usable today. However the main lasting effect of Roman roads is the routs they took. Many European roads follow the same or similar routs of the old Roman roads. In ancient times the roads brought prosperity to the empire and the opportunity for expansion and the spread of Roman culture.

How did the roads constructed throughout the Roman empire contribute to their success?

The roads allowed troops and goods to travel fast. Some still exist today. I have been on the Appian Way one of the major Roman roads.

How was life in ancient Rome similar to life in America today?

Th life In Ancient Rome Is Similar to the life in America Today Because The Roman Roads Also Known As Straight Roads We Still Have Today.

What did the Romans make that you still use today?

The Romans actually invented concrete! We still use that today. They also invented roads. The Roman people invented the making of wine and how to do it. Romans had and used libraries and the building design of Roman buildings are still in use today.

Did Romans create roads throughout Europe and North Africa?

Yes, the Romans created roads wherever they went. Some of them are still visible today and some of today's major highways follow the routes of the old Roman roads.

What was one drawback to the Roman roads?

One drawback to the Roman's roads was they had poor drainage. Another drawback for today is they are too narrow.

Who traveled on the Roman roads?

Everyone used the roads. They were built for the military, but everyone used them. The roads were well built and some still exist today. I drove the Appian way in the 1970's, but today it is closed to cars.

What was one drawback the roman roads?

One drawback to the Roman's roads was they had poor drainage. Another drawback for today is they are too narrow.

How do roman roads affect your modern life today?

Well, having roads definitely makes traveling a lot easier. We can get to places faster and easier, therefore saving us money and time often.

How did the construction of roads affect the US?

It affected our world by letting pedestrians travel to different parts of the country. If there were no roads/bridges we would still be driving on dirt roads today. So be thankful for all of the architectural people that built all of our roads and bridges.