Nephthys is a immortal Egyptian goddess, who can not die in Ancient Egyptian religion.
The Egyptian goddesses who represented mothers and wives were Isis, Nephthys, Hathor (the queen), Bast as well as many others.
Osiris, Isis, Set, Nephthys, and in some cases Horus.
The other ancient Egyptian gods, namely, Ra, Osiris, Isis, Horus, and Nephthys. His wife Anput and his daughter Kebechet.
Anubis was always a god in ancinet Egyptian religion, he was born a god from Ra, or by Nephthys and Set, or Osiris; or by Bast and Heset.
In Egyptian mythology, Set and Nephthys did not have children together. Set's consort was usually considered to be the goddess Nephthys, but they did not have any offspring together.
they have 5 Isis osiris set nephthys and khepri
Nephthys is a immortal Egyptian goddess, who can not die in Ancient Egyptian religion.
Geb and Nut had the children Osiris, Isis, Nephthys, Set and Horus the Elder.
It is Nephthys
Nephthys never died, she was however a goddess of the dead.
Isis Hathor Bast Nephthys
So that Nut's children by Geb could be born, they being Horus the Elder, Osiris, Isis, Set and Nephthys.
Nephthys is not exactly the personification of death, but she is the closest thing to it in Egyptian belief.
Nephthys usually has the symbols for "basket" and "house" on her head, wings, and a ankh in hand.