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When the cyclopes first returns, he eats two of Odysseus's men on the spot, later two more are eaten. A total of four men

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Q: How many men did Odysseus lose to the cyclopes'?
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How does Odysseus show cleverness in The Odyssey?

in the odyssey, odysseus show cleverness in many ways. He show cleverness when on the island with the cyclopes. With the cyclopes killing his men odyssues must fin a way to keep most of his men alive. So he gets the cyclopes drunk with wine and telling him he is nohbody. then when the cyclopes falls asleep odysseus staps the cyclopes in the eye. When he escapes the cyclpose he makes him look stupid making the cyclopes scream "nohbody did this Nohbody did this!"

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The Cyclops, Polyphemus, is inside the cave when Odysseus and his men enter.

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After Odysseus "visits" the cyclops, he and his men go to the Land of the Dead.

Why did Odysseus and twelve of his men enter the cyclopes cave?

to get the golden fleece

Why did Odysseus and his men escape the cave?

Why? Because the Cyclopes was going to eat them. :)

What did the giant cyclopes hurl at Odysseus and his men as they were leaving?

A big rock.

What was odysseus' responsibilities when he reached the land of the cyclopes?

To get his men out of the cave safe.

How did Odysseus and his men blind the cyclops?

Odysseus blinds the cyclopes by putting a giant stick in his one eye.

How many men did Odysseus lose in battle with the cicones?

72 men

How many men did Odysseus have left when he arrived home?

None. They all were killed, but one man was left on the island of the cyclopes, who is mentioned in the Aeneid.

How does Odysseus get his men past the monster?

If you mean past the cyclopes; he blinds it then he and his remaining men, (the cyclopes ate some) clutch onto the bellies of sheep, and leave the cave in that most graceful fashion.

How does Odysseus lose six men in the land of the cyclops?

The Cyclops ate Odysseus' men.