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Q: How many people did the Aztecs sacrifice in a day?
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When did the Aztecs sacrifice people?

The Aztecs sacrificed people everyday and about 10,000 people a day.

Why did the Aztecs sacrifice people in the temple?

the Aztecs sacrificed people to make the sun god happy so the sun would rise every day.

When did the Aztecs rule?

The Aztecs were a very violent people, they would sacrifice a person every day, they believed that if they did not do this the sun would not rise. They ruled during the 1400's.

How many people did the Aztecs sacrifice every year?

They sacrificed 3 - 4 hundred per day. Do the math and that's about 109500 - 146000 people a year. At least, that's what I learned back in grade six.

Why did the Aztecs sacrifice human beings to their gods?

Huitzilopochtli, the main god of the Aztecs and the god of war, was bloodthirsty and he needed sacrifices to sustain him in his journey throughout the day. The Aztecs believed that if they didn't sacrifice a human then the sun would not rise the next day.

The Aztecs believed if they did not sacrifice humans .?

The Aztecs believed that if they did not sacrifice humans, the world would end. They thought that offering human blood to the gods would ensure the sun rising each day and maintain the balance of the universe. Sacrifice was a central aspect of Aztec culture and religion.

Why did the Aztecs practice sacrifice?

In an effort to postpone the day of have the sun come up the next day.( they thought otheriwse it would not rise)

What did the Aztecs do all day?

Aztecs did what Aztecs did best

What did the Aztecs sacrifice?

The Aztecs sacrificed other human beings hearts, as an offering to the gods for giving the Aztecs the sun. The Aztecs believed that the sun was created by the gods sacrificing themselves to make the sun. So, the Aztecs believe that they have to repay the god with human hearts, or blood.

Which relate to the Aztecs?

The Aztecs were a Mesoamerican civilization that flourished in present-day Mexico from the 14th to the 16th century. They are known for their capital city, Tenochtitlan, which was built on an island in Lake Texcoco and is now modern-day Mexico City. The Aztecs practiced human sacrifice as part of their religious rituals and had a complex social structure with nobles, commoners, and slaves.

Why did Aztec sacrifice humans?

The Aztecs believed in the cyclical nature of the cosmos, where sacrifice of humans was necessary to maintain the balance between the gods and humans. They viewed sacrifices as a way to nourish the gods and ensure the continued survival of the world and their civilization. Additionally, human sacrifice was used as a form of political control and to instill fear in neighboring tribes.

Did the Aztecs practice human sacrifice?

In an effort to postpone the day of have the sun come up the next day.( they thought otheriwse it would not rise)