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There were no cars in ancient times in Greece.

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13y ago

a good 700 gold coins

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Q: How much did an ancient greek chariot cost to buy?
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How much did Greek slaves cost?

"Greek slaves didn't cost too much money, we do not know how much, but if almost everyone had one, then greek slaves wouldn't cost too much."

Who invented chariot?

The chariot's first appearance was in ancient Egypt perhaps as much as two thousand years before Rome or Greeks became part of what we call ancient history.

What did ancient greek slaves eat?

not much

Is phaeton drives Apollo's chariot a Greek or a roman myth?

Greek and Roman myths are pretty much the same, characters just have differnet names, so it is considered both

Is chariot racing a sport?

It was very popular amongst the Ancient Romans and Greeks, though you don't really see it much anymore.

How much would ancient greek therter cost?

If you mean to construct the theater, its impossible to estimate due to the differences in monetary value. If you mean the price to enter the theater, it was nothing. Ancient performances were free to all.

What did you have to do in ancient greek entertainment?

In ancient greek entertainment the Greeks had sports like swiming, boxing and much more. They also had plays and opras.

Did Ladies do the Ancient Greeks Olympics?

Women did not participate in the Ancient Olympics. Only Greek speaking men were allowed to participate. Exception: in the chariot-race the owner of the horses was considered to be the competitor, and got the prize if they won. Women could put their horses in for the chariot race, and were considered competitors when they did.

How much does ancient greek clothing cost?

A beautifully embroided chiton could cost as much as 1000 drachmae and a soldier's breast plate would be about the same.

Why did ancient Greek women wear so much jewelry?

because the greek ladys were usually rich

How much did ancient greek armor weigh?

It weighed about 30 pounds

How much did it cost to go to a greek thearter?
