There would appear to be no biblical record of Andrews age when he died. Then I could be wrong for there may be other records.
Since we do not know when Saint Andrew was born nor when he died, there is no answer to this question.
saint nicholas of myra was about 73 years old when he died.
Saint Lucy was about 21 years old when she was martyred and became a saint.
Andrew was a brother of St. Peter and the first apostle of Our Lord. He died on an x-shaped cross and continued to preach while he died on the cross for two days.
Saint Andrew was not hanged, he was crucified for preaching the Gospel.
Saint Andrew Stratelates died in 300.
Since we do not know when Saint Andrew was born nor when he died, there is no answer to this question.
Saint Andrew died in 60 in Patrai, GreeceSt. Andrew died mid - to late first century AD, upon an X - shaped Cross.his bie the 28 septemder
Andrew, along with Saint Stachys, is recognized as the patron saint of the Patriarchate. Andrew is said to have been martyred by crucifixion at the city of Patras
Saint Bernadette of Lourdes was 35 years old when she died.
Andrew was Three years old
Margaret Carnegie Miller (Andrew Carnegie's daughter) was 22 years old when Andrew Carnegie died.
saint nicholas of myra was about 73 years old when he died.
Ex-president Andrew Johnson (1808-1875) was 66 years old when he died.
St. Andrew, the apostle, was not formally canonized as the procedures for this were not put in place until the 11th or 12 century. He was popularly considered a saint since he was an apostle and he died a martyr's death.
Saint Lucy was about 21 years old when she was martyred and became a saint.