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Q: In greek myths who is the lover of Hero?
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What Greek hero could not bear to be without his lover Hades?

Hades never had a male lover who was a hero in mythology.

Who is the only hero in the greek myths that had a happy ending?

It was Perseus

Is siegfried from Greek myths?

No, Siegfried is a hero originating in Norse mythology.

A hero of the ancient Greek myths?

Pick your favourite: Theseus, Perseus, Hercules.

What Greek myths are hydra in?

Type your answer here... the odyssey- the greek myth with the hero odysseus. The story was written by a greek poet Homer

When did the greek hero Jason die?

Since the writers of Greek myths didn't put dates of events, there isn't a date.

Who was hurcules?

Hercules was a hero of the ancient Greek myths. He was son of Zeus and Alcmene a young mortal.

What specific powers does Odysseus the Greek hero have?

No specific powers. He was a king, very resourceful, and he spoke with the gods, which was not uncommon in the Greek myths.

What often motivates a hero in greek myths?

usualy its a motive to prove ones worth to something or someone

Is ambrosia and nectar from the book The Lost Hero real?

No, but it is found in Greek and Roman Mythology, however there is no evidence of it being real. in greek myths, but not in real life.

What were the myths including the greek god Hades?

Hades permitted Heracles to fetch Cerberus from Hell, when the hero presented him with his petition.

What significance did myths have on the Greek people?

The Greek myths were the ancient Greek's religion.