Aphrodite may had never had an affair with Zeus but maybe this was of personal preference as Hera (Zeus wife) could of sure cursed her, or one of her demigod children as she was known as being very jealous (would you not be jealous if your husband continuously had affairs with different people?) and vengeful as proven why she cursed Echo (a nymph) to only be able to repeat what others say, or when she cursed Leto a Titanide (female titan), the mother of Apollo and Artemis to walk the earth for months before she finally settled in Delos – which was made when Zeus emerged a floating island from the sea, anchored to the bottom of the Aegean to give it stability - to give birth.
Aphrodite’s name is usually associated with the Ancient Greek word for Sea foam which is aphros, this fits nicely with the story of her birth, it is said that Aphrodite was born by the coast of Cythera, out of foam which Uranus’ castrated genitals after they got thrown into the sea A quote from Ovid, Metamorphoses states: “I [Aphrodite] should find some favour with the sea, for in its holy depths in days gone by from sea-foam I was formed, and still from foam I take my name in Greece." Linking back to where and why she adopted her name. Aphrodite is considered as one of the twelve major Olympian gods, under the leadership of Zeus, as she ruled from Mount Olympus.
Mythological speaking, Aphrodite was either born of sea foam when Ouranos was castrated, making her the youngest of the Titan generation - or was born of Dione (a Titan goddess) and Zeus, while Apollo was clearly born of Leto (a second generation Titan) and Zeus; so, yes, between them Aphrodite may well be the older.
Poseidon is older than Zeus by 462 years. Zeus saved all of his brothers and sisters from Kronos, and retrieved them from Kronos's stomach.
In actual fact, Eros is older than Aphrodite. The story that Aphrodite gave birth to Eros is just a silly mistake.
Yes. Zeus is the youngest. The order is: Demeter, Hera, Hades, Hestia, Poseidon, and finally Zeus. Hope this helps! =D
Mythological speaking, Aphrodite was either born of sea foam when Ouranos was castrated, making her the youngest of the Titan generation - or was born of Dione (a Titan goddess) and Zeus, while Apollo was clearly born of Leto (a second generation Titan) and Zeus; so, yes, between them Aphrodite may well be the older.
No. Aphrodite is older than Hera. It's like this. Gaia helped Cronus kill Uranus, and the remains of Uranus formed Aphrodite (gross, but true). Cronus and Rhea THEN gave birth to Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hestia, Hera and Demeter.
Poseidon and Zeus. Hades was the eldest than Poseidon than Zeus. By:Jordan N.
No, they were not friends; Aphrodite was a consort of Ares, son of Hera and Zeus, but once in a myth Priapus was said to be a child of Zeus rather than Aphrodite's lover Adonis/Dionysus. They also rivaled for the "Apple for the Fairest".
Poseidon is older than Zeus by 462 years. Zeus saved all of his brothers and sisters from Kronos, and retrieved them from Kronos's stomach.
the brother of zeus They're Greek gods, and they're all related by some means nor the other. Now Aphrodite is Hesphatius' wife. But she is said to have had many lovers. (She actually despised her husband as he was very ugly. She was made to marry him only because Zeus thought her beauty would cause the gods to fight amongst themselves for her love.) Ares is one of her many lovers. Probably her most popular one. But like i said, they are related. Kronos was said to have cut Urainus' genitals and thrown them into the sea. From his immortal flesh, sea foam was said to have arised, that gave birth to Aphrodite. Now Zeus, was the son of Kronos the Titan lord and Rhea. (Remember, Zeus is a god, not a titan.) And Ares is the son of Zeus. In short, Aphrodite is a generation older than Zeus, the father of Ares. But, they are ALL Olympian GODS. And Aphrodite and Ares are lovers. :)
In actual fact, Eros is older than Aphrodite. The story that Aphrodite gave birth to Eros is just a silly mistake.
In Greek mythology, Zeus is considered stronger than Hades. Zeus is the king of the gods and the ruler of Mount Olympus, while Hades is the god of the underworld. Zeus has control over the sky, thunder, and lightning, making him a more powerful deity.
Yes. Zeus is the youngest. The order is: Demeter, Hera, Hades, Hestia, Poseidon, and finally Zeus. Hope this helps! =D
Aphrodite (or rather, Venus) feared that Psyche had been more beautiful than her, but usually any goddess is considered more beautiful than a mortal.
Artemis her twin brother Apollo, Ares, Zeus, Aphrodite, Hermes, Poseidon, Hades