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No, they were still considered Gods.

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Q: Is it true that pharaohs were no longer considered gods after death?
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Is it true or false that pharaohs were no longer considered gods after death?


How did society see the pharaoh?

they considered the pharaohs as gods

How did the role of Egyptians pharaohs differ from the role of Mesopotamian ruler's?

In Mesopotamia, kings were considered to be representatives of the gods. To the Egyptians pharaohs were gods on earth.

What was the Egyptian king called?

They were called pharaohs. They were considered gods.

What was the relationship between pharaoh and gods?

Two things. The pharaohs said they were chosen by Gods, that they were Gods, and became Gods after death.

Why did Hatshepsut call herself daughter of a god?

All Egyptian pharaohs considered themselves to be descended from gods as well as being gods themselves. Their parents were probably pharaohs, too.

Why did Pharaohs consider them self gods or goddesses?

They thought that the pharaohs were either the children of Gods or they were reincarnations of the Gods, meaning that they were the Gods reborn. The God that they were born from or were reborn as changed but it was generally "Horus" who was one of their main Gods. He was actually considered the patron God of Egypt.

Was the pharaoh a medicine man?

Egyptian pharaohs were considered incarnate gods not priests or healers.

How did the role of Egyptian Pharaoh different from the role of mesopotamian rulers?

In Mesopotamia, kings were considered to be representatives of the gods. To the Egyptians pharaohs were gods on earth.

What magic surrounded the pharaohs?

Pharaohs were living gods.

Why were the Egyptian pharaohs usually powerful rulers?

The Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt were considered to gods and afforded absolute power. As a result, they used that power absolutely.

How the Egyptians viewed their pharaohs?

To the Egyptians, the Pharaohs were actually gods.