It could be both depending in the accent marks. Nhan is usually a girl's name if it has a slash over the a. And it would usually be a boy's name with a hat over the a.
jade is a girls name if you look in a baby book it is under girls names
The meaning of the name Asanda in Shona language of the African origin is "The boys/girls are increasing."
Oliver is a Greek boys name meaning: Of the olive tree. Olivia is the same, but for girls. MonkeyLover-Dinda
Both Boys and Girls
ThEy WeReNt EdUcAtEd and if they wErE then, it would be the same as boys
Both! Girls and boys. A name for boys in ancient egypt :-)
If i had to choose weather maahi was a girls name or a boys name i would pick girls because it is more commun for girls, But it is absolutly fine for a boys name
It can be a boys name or a girls name.
boys name
I Say Yes Because It Sounds Like A Girls Name And Also A Boys Name So Yes Both Boys And Girls Name :)
Its a girls name
It is a boys and girls name, i would probably say mainly a girls although it is a name for boys aswell its a unisex name!
In my opinion its a boys name, I perfer Natalie or Natasha for an "N" name for girls.
Yes it can be boys or girls Ashley is a girls and boys name. But, Most people named Ashley are girls. that does not mean anything though because it is a girls and boys name.
Fallon is a girls name.