The last name of Ashmore is English in origin. This last name is after a location in the area of Dorset.
Is of Greek origin (ΚΡΕΜΜΥΔΑΣ).
the last name ocasio were dis it come from its origin
what is the origin of the name Patellis
Crystal Deines's birth name is Crystal Waddell.
This name is English in origin.
Jim Deines was born in 1962.
Joey Deines is 5' 10".
The last name of Ashmore is English in origin. This last name is after a location in the area of Dorset.
The origin of the last name Tame is an Arab last name, from the country of Lebanon.
What is the ethnic origin of the last nameMerid?
origin of last name: kochakis
It is of German origin.
It is of French origin.
It is of Danish origin.
It is of Italian origin.