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plague was the main even that kept Athens from conquering Sparta

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Q: The main events of the pelopennesian war?
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Who won pelopennesian war?

The Spartan alliance

What was the 30 year was between Athens and Sparta?

It is war, not was. It is the Pelopennesian War.

When did the Pelopennesian War start?

Lma00 431 bc

Identify the two main city-states involved in the Pelopennesian wars?

The Peoponnesian war was fought by the Athenian empire and the Peloponnesian League, led by Sparta.

Who is Thucydidies?

My expert teacher, of ancient history, taught me that Thucydidies was a well known greek historian, who faught in the pelopennesian wars, and wrote the main account of what we know on the pelopennesian wars.

Who wrote a history of the Pelopennesian War?

The first half - Thucydides. The second half Xenophon.

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What year did the vietnam war start

Who fought in the peloponessian war?

The Peloponnesian War was fought by Athens against the "Peloponnesian League" led by Sparta. The war lasted from 431 to 404 BC and was eventually won by the Pelopennesian League.

What was the main events of the peasants revolt?

the black death and the war with France

What were three main events in World War 1?

The assasination in Sarajevo - the excuse for starting the war. The first use of poison gas. The first use of tanks. There were many other 'main events', but you asked for three.

What were the main events of the first world war?

== == because someone got assaninated

What are the main highlights and main events of the Boer war?

In South Africa, there were settlements of English and Dutch people. They did not get along.