Hathor, goddess of the sky, the sun, the queen, music, dance and the arts. She who is usually a benevolent goddess, once became the 'Eye of Re', when Re decided to punish mortals for plotting against him. She was successful and was named Sakhmet, too successful, for she seemed to enjoy the bloodshed, red ocher was mixed with beer, so as to look like the blood of man, and she fell for the trick and when she woke she was not the Eye of Re. In this way, the duel nature of Dionysus as being both good and bad is mirrored in Hathor/Sakhmet.
Dionysus was born a god.
Dionysus was born a Greek god.
Anubis, the Ancient Egyptian god of the underworld.
Dionysus was the Greek god of wine.
Bacchus or Dionysus
There are two answers to this question, because Dionysus eventually became syncretised with his Egyptian counterpart, thus embracing Egyptian as well as Greek myth. There were many similarities between Dionysus and the Egyptian god Osiris, so when the Greeks adopted the Egyptian Mysteries in the 5th century BCE, they replaced Osiris by Dionysus to make the new religion more acceptable in Greece. Dionysus was a Greek god said to have been born from a mortal woman but fathered by a god, and to have returned from the dead. Also known as Bacchus in Roman mythology, he was famous for having transformed water into wine. .
Dionysus is the god of the wine...
Dionysus was born a god.
dionysus was a god the god of fertillity and wine
Dionysus was not a virgin god.
Dionysus was born a Greek god.
Isis, Hathor and Bast all have similar characteristics.
The Egyptian god Osiris may be similar to Demeter. Celtic god Cernunnos (Horned God) may have a similar function as a deity of agriculture.
Anubis, the Ancient Egyptian god of the underworld.