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Q: What are ancient greek words that start with the letter r?
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What are ancient Greek words that start with letter a?


What are some Ancient Greek words that start with the letter a?

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Ancient Greek words that start with x?

There is no letter A in the Greek language or the ancient Greek language.

What are ancient greek words that start with Q?

I dont think the Greeks had a letter which can be directly compared to the modern day Q

What are ancient Greek words that start with L or Q?

There are no words in Greek that start with q but some have q in them

What are ancient Greek words that start with letter J?

Trick question - there is no letter J in the Greek alphabet - j is an English replacement of I, easier to say by non-Greeks, like Jason or Jupiter in Greek is Iason and Iupiter

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Trick question. There is no F in the Greek alphabet. Nearest is Phi = pH - which you find in our adaptions of Greek to English, such as philosophy, philanthrophy, phallic, aphorism.

What are some ancient Greek words that begin with the letter A?

· Athens, Greece

Words that start with f in ancient Greece?

finis is associated to ancient Greece because its an ancient greek word!

What Greek words start with w?

In modern Greek, it is very rare to find words that start with the letter "w" since the Greek alphabet does not contain the letter "w." Some loanwords or technical terms might start with the letter "w," but they are not typically part of the traditional Greek vocabulary.

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Words that start with Q in ancient Greece?

There is no Q in the ancient greek alphabet. There was a qoppa, but it was an allophone for kappa - see I am doing a project for school right now on Ancient Greece. We have to have a word for each letter of the alphabet. For "Q" I put quail. The Greek god Hephaestus's' favorite bird was the quail. There are not any other words involved with Ancient Greece that start with "Q". I hope this helped you.