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Athena, Aphrodite, Demeter, Artemis, Hera, Hestia.

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Q: What are the names of the most popular goddesses in Greek mythology?
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Norse mythology and Greek mythology are unrelated.

Why many gods have both Greek and Roman names?

Greek mythology came first. Then the Romans came. They admired the gods and goddesses of the Greeks and copied. The Roman gods and goddesses and more disciplined and war-like. Because Greek and Roman mythology things can't have the same name, Romans changed the names.

The three goddesses who according to greek and roman mythology controlled human destiny?

Are the three Fates they're small goddesses, but they do have a big impact. I don't remember their names. In Greek mythology the three Fates are Klotho, Lachesis, and Atropos. In Roman mythology the three Fates are Decima, Nona, and Morta.

How many greak gods were in greak mythology?

There is no final count of Greek gods and goddesses, they number in names well over a thousand.

What are the second names of the Greek gods and goddesses?

The ancient Greek Gods did not have second (or family) names.

What is another name for the roman love goddess?

The goddess of love in roman mythology was Venus. Her greek name was Aphrodite. A part from those, she had no other names. If you mean other goddesses of love, then - Egyptian Mythology - Isis Sumerian Mythology - Ishtar Norse Mythology - Freya Hindu Mythology - Radha Aztec Mythology - Tlazplteol

Is there a Greek goddesses names that start with a?

theres Athena and Artemis goddesses of wisdom and hunting respectively

Who were Greek and Roman writers of mythology?

The writer of Greek Mythology is Homer. Basically, the Romans took Greek Mythology and changed the names around a bit.

What are the names of tigers in greek mythology?

The Greek word tigris.

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What companies have the names of Greek gods or goddesses?

Mars Candybars