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Zeus did, becauseOdysseus'smen ate the cattle of the sun god Helios, and Heliosthreatenedto move the sun into the underworld if Zeus didn't retaliate. As such, Zeus decided to smite the last ship of Odysseus with a lightning bolt.

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Q: What destroyed the last ship of Odysseus?
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What did Zeus destroyed Odysseus's ship with?

a thunderbolt

Who were Laestrygonians in The Odyssey?

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How does Odysseus survive the Laestrygonian attack?

The giants ate many of Odysseus' men and destroyed eleven of his twelve ships by launching rocks from high cliffs. Odysseus' ship was not destroyed as it was hidden in a cove near shore. Everyone on Odysseus' ship survived.

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His ship got destroyed by a storm.

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The laestygons ateOdysseus crew and destroyed his whole fleet except for his ship.

Who destroyed most of Odysseus fleet?

The laestygons ateOdysseus crew and destroyed his whole fleet except for his ship.

How many ships did Odysseus return with?

Odysseus returned home with a single Phaecian ship, as all of ships had been destroyed.

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nausikaa and her maids.Nausicaa, princess of the Phaeacians.Nauskiaa and her maids. He washed up after his ship was wrecked. Posiedon hated him, so he destroyed Odysseus' ship.

What destroys Odysseus's ship?

In the Iliad and the Odyssey, Odysseus' ship is destroyed multiple times. One time the sea monster Charybdis destroys his ship in a whirlpool and drowns the rest of his men. Also, Zeus made a storm to destroy his ship because the crew had angered Helios. Another time, Poseidon destroyed his raft. There are also many other times where Odysseus' ship was not harmed, but other ships in his fleet had suffered damage.

What does Odysseus tell the cyclops happened to his ship?

his ship got distroyed on the rocks

How is Odysseus ship destroyed?

Zeus struck it with a lightning bolt; this made all of Odysseus' men to drown except himself of course. Hope this helped!

Why does Odysseus lie and say his ship was destroyed?

In hopes of Polyphemus' pity. He hoped that if Polyphemus thought his ship was crashed, Polyphemus would offer trade or something of that sort