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Q: What did the priest do before the dead pharaoh was buried?
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Where are pharaoh buried when they die?

Pharaoh are not buried, they are mummified. Their brains are picked out with a metal hook, and their bodies are wrapped in gaus and put into a casket. They are then stored in an intricate maze-like pyramid, so grave robbers cannot steal the dead pharaoh. They are not buried.

Why was a pharaoh buried with food?

because they had to much left over food and maybe if he wasn't dead he could sit in there eating food

Are you dead before you hit the ground?

yes you are dead before yo hit the ground because if your shot youre dead before you hit the ground also when your about to get buried your dead before you go in the ground.

Where Pharaoh's tombs made before or after they were dead?

In a way, both. Sometimes, a young pharaoh died unexpectedly, and his tomb was planned and built by someone else. Some pharaoh's designed - and had built - their own tombs long before they died.

Why do Catholics bury their dead before noon?

Catholics have no limitation on the time of day they may be buried. They can be buried at any time.

Why did pyramids have traps?

To stop thieves from getting at the treasures buried with the pharaoh. The Egyptians believed that the pharaoes buried there would be able to access such materials possessions in the afterlife.

Can a priest anoint a dead person?

If the person is obviously dead, the priest will generally not anoint. However, as the soul may not instantly leave the body when all the signs of clinical death are present, a priest may anoint a person declared dead minutes before.

Was George Washington elected president before the civil war?

Yes - dead and buried sixty years before it started.

Where was the book of the dead put?

It was put with the last pharaoh that died,in the pharaoh's grave

What was the difference between a king and a pharaoh?

A king is an anarchy a pharaoh is dead...nah joking A pharaoh is like an emperor

What was buried in hopewell mounds?

They buried their dead in mounds

Has undertaker risen from the dead before?

he has in the programming, Being buried alive at Suvivor Series 2003 then returning as the Deadman