Troubadours of the Middle Ages often wore a hat with a rolled band and a coat with a long tail. The clothes were usually bright in color so they would stand out in performances.
No men did not wear tights in medieval times. This is just for plays and movies. They did how ever wear leggings made of wool, linen or leather.
Did the people from medieval times play checkers?
Robes were worn. They looked like bathrobes we have today. Monks still wear this type of robe.
In medieval times, a queen, king, prince, or princess would wear a crown. In current times, an actor playing one of these parts in a medieval re-enactment may wear a medieval styled crown.
How were troubadours important for the development of music in the middle ages How did jongleurs support troubadours What were the differences between troubadours, trouveres, and minnesingers as a result of location
Hunting, feasts, embroidery, hawking, talking, troubadours, jesters, reading, playing an instrument, sex, drinking
he will wear dishrags
a Frock
They wore clothes
They wear suits of armor.
a long dress