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Ink of some kind in some kind of holding, over the years it has changed from a feather with a hole in it to a pen. The president probably doesn't use a pencil.

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These days, usually in the East Room of the White House.

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Q: What does the president use to sign all important laws?
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The most important duty of the president may be to ensure that?

One of the most important duties of the President is to ensure that all laws are faithfully executed. He also has the power to sign or veto legislation.

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The Walker Tariff was one of the laws that James K. Polk passed. He also revived a law that was put in place by President Van Buren. This was the Independent Treasury act.

Has Obama made any new laws?

A president cannot make laws. Only congress can do that. A president can sign something into law, or he can veto it. All presidents, including President Obama, have certain priorities and they hope congress will turn those priorities into laws, but it doesn't always happen the way a president might want it to.

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Almost all the important work on tax laws occurs in the Ways and Means committee in Congress. This committee writes the tax laws for approval within the House and Senate, and finally the President of the United States.

What are the three federal laws the president is responsible for enforcing?

making treaties,enforcing laws and making laws

Do all laws have to be signed by the president?


Were there any important laws of rome?

All the laws were important (at least for a time) in Rome. That's why they were called laws.

Who makes the federal tax laws?

The American legislature writes the laws but, the president can veto the law if it is unreasonable. If the veto doesnt pass the president has a presidential power wich he only receive once in a term wich in term can overrule all the other branches.

Did President Obama sign a bill against public display against him?

No, that is a myth. There was no such bill. Besides, public displays, such as protest signs or banners, are protected by the First Amendment, as long as the sign or banner is not advocating violence or breaking obscenity laws. Historically, people from all political parties have protested against their government. Some people have protested against President Obama, just as some people protested against President Bush. There are currently no laws that forbid peaceful protest, nor are there any plans for congress to pass such laws.

Is it legal for the President or a police force to choose which laws they will enforce and which they will not?

It is not legal for a President or police force to only enforce laws they choose. All laws that are legal on the books should be enforced by all government and police entities.

Who were all the people to sign the Constitution and become president?

it was Rodney